1. Cardio-vascular Conditioning (CVC)
This refers to cardiovascular conditioning, which includes improving blood flow throughout the body. This should include exercises that improve lung capacity, heart rate, breathing capacity, and muscle endurance. This type of exercise can help boost overall energy levels, enhance mental clarity, increase oxygen to cells, and aid in fat burning. A good way to incorporate this into your daily routine would be to take a brisk walk before work and/or try some light stretching routines after your workout.
2. Strength Training
Strength training involves working out muscles using free weights, weight machines, or other equipment designed for developing muscular strength. Several different types of strength training workouts can be done. Some examples would be squats, push-ups, bench presses, bicep curls, triceps extensions, etc. These exercises target specific areas and improve their functionality. They can also be used to develop core strength, balance, coordination, and posture.
3. Flexibility Training
Flexibility training focuses on increasing joint mobility and flexibility. This helps prevent injury and reduces pain and stress associated with exercising. One example of a great stretch routine would be taking a yoga class. Yoga has numerous benefits including improved mood, increased strength, reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep quality, and enhanced concentration. In addition, yoga is a great form of relaxation that allows you to clear your mind and focus on yourself.
What’s your favorite form of cardio? As some of you may know, one of my biggest struggles has been finding time to exercise consistently. I love running but between work, family obligations, and a busy schedule, it can sometimes be difficult to fit in my daily run/walk routine. So what does this have to do with weight training? Well, if you want to get results from working out, you should first look at your diet before you start lifting weights. By doing so, you are giving your body enough fuel to build muscle instead of just breaking down muscle tissue. If you don’t give your body the right nutrition before a workout, you could end up losing the muscle gains that result from lifting those weights!
I like going on runs early in the morning while it’s still dark outside. This gives me plenty of time to prepare my breakfast (which consists of eggs, toast, and coffee) and then head out. But I always make sure to drink water beforehand. Without adequate hydration, you won’t perform well during any kind of physical activity. Even though I try to eat healthy throughout the day, I understand that sometimes we need something quick and easy to help us feel full. A few years ago.